The Print Shop 6.0 User Guide

This User Guide is designed to help you learn the software. Be sure to also check out the Video Tutorials and the Blog for additional ideas. To access the User Guide, either click on a topic to the left, choose a commonly accessed topic below, or search for a topic above.

In addition to the information available in The Print Shop 6.0 User Guide, Technical support is also available if you encounter an issue with the software. Solutions to common technical issues can be found using these links, or if necessary report a problem to our Support team.

Adding a Headline

Headlines in The Print Shop are considered their own object type as they have additional effects and tools you can use with them.

Add a Headline

To add a headline:

  1. On the Design Desk, Click on the Headline Button under Insert New Object from the sidebar
    Working with headlines2
  2. A default Headline will appear on your project.
    Working with headlines3
  3. Also by default the Headline Tab will be selected.
    Working with headlines4
  4. To change the text of your Headline use the box in the Headline Tab.

Ready-Made Headline Style

Ready-Made headline styles are pre-made templates for you to use on your project. Many of the pre-made Headlines already have drop shadows and more of the advanced effects already applied to them.

To customize a headline:

  1. Add a Headline
  2. Click on the Ready-Made Headlines Button from the Headlines Tab
    Working with headlines5
  3. Select the desired effect you want applied to your headline from the previews.
    Working with headlines6
  4. To apply one of these effects to your Headline Click on the preview you like.

    Note: You can scroll to the left or right using the arrows on the left or right hand side of the preview bar in order to see more options. You can also close the preview bar by clicking on the Red X in the top left corner of the preview bar.

On the Headlines tab you can also do the following:

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