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Three Easy Steps to Make a Gorgeous Card

Recently a friend asked me to make a card she could mail to her little granddaughter.  No special occasion - just a way to brighten a little girl's day by getting her own personal envelope delivered by the mailman.  Do you remember how special it was to receive a personal letter by the postal service?  Nowadays most kids see everything on electronic devices, so something as rare as a card or letter from the mailman is a real treat.

So my friend sent me a photo of Olivia, and using The Print Shop 5.0, I quickly made a quarter-fold card, saved it as PDF which she could easily print on her printer.  Simple single-sided printing on regular paper.

Here's how I started with this ready-made template:


and customized it for Olivia in three easy steps!


  1. Open the ready-made template
  2. Delete the text boxes
  3. Add Olivia's photo, name and optional clipart


Step 1

This is a really cute template you can use for many different occasions - birthday, invitation, valentine's, get well, etc.  You will find it by choosing an Invitation project with the search word Butterflies.


Step 2

These text boxes aren't needed for this card, so click each one on each page, and hit the Delete key.


Step 3

Add your photo.  Simply drag and drop it onto the canvas OR click the Photo button and browse to where your photo is stored.

Resize the photo by clicking and dragging the corner while holding down the Shift key to maintain the correct proportions.

Use the Arrange feature to move the photo underneath the flowers. Right click the photo and send it backwards.  You may have to do this a couple of times depending on the number of layers on top.


Use Headlines to add the name.  The ready-made Headlines add color, and 3D effects instantly.  I used the Eye Dropper to pick a color already on the card:


One last thing - I added the JUST A NOTE TO SAY HELLO clipart.  There is already a lot of clipart on the page so I don't want to make it look too cluttered.


So there you have it.  A sweet little card where you can hand write a message on the inside.  Of course you can choose to add a text box and type something in a nice font, but handwriting is becoming a lost art, so is considered pretty special and unique to the writer.







Techniques used:

  1. Deleting elements we don't need
  2. Using the Shift key to maintain proportions when resiziing
  3. Moving a photo to another layer
  4. Using Ready-Made Headlines
  5. Using the Eye Dropper (color picker)




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